2014 Calendar - Pacific Crest Trail


Sold Out


We were born to explore, to be adventurous, to dream. Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail has been my dream for a long time, and this year, along with over one thousand other dreamers, I did it.

We walked through southern California's grand, but inhospitable, deserts. We climbed through the magnificent Sierra Nevadas, inching our way up California through seemingly endless forests, to reach the promised lands of Oregon. Passing by volcano after volcano we crossed the Columbia River into Washington, and raced winter along the spine of the Cascade Mountains to Canada. By the end, we'd walked 2,660 miles.

We made new friends, we found a new family, and we gave each other new names. Mine is Sweet Tooth, and I, along with my friend Kevin "30 Pack" Conley, couldn't stop photographing what we saw around us and what moved us. Everyday we passed through amazing terrain, and while hiking 20+ miles a day doesn't leave a lot of time for photographing, we still came home with some beautiful images. This calendar is our way of sharing a few and hopefully inspiring you along the way.


- 8.5"x8.5" closed/17"x8.5" open
- 10% Off for orders of 5 or more
- Features holidays, moon phases
- Bonus photos throughout!
- Wire-O binding for durability
- 100lb FSC certified paper
- Printed in USA

-USPS Priority (contact for other options)



  • 2014 Calendar - Pacific Crest Trail (sold out)